
electronic Physician Global Assessment

for Acne


ePGA for Acne


Assessment of acne severity made

easy and quick



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Illustrative PDF

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Original PDF

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What is the ePGA for Acne?


The electronic Physician Global Assessment (ePGA) is a 5- or sometimes 6-point scoring system that allows for a quick, easy and objective assessment of the severity of acne from the perspective of the treating physician using defined criteria. The terms physician or investigator global assessment (IGA) may be used interchangeably. PGA is used as a global static assessment of all lesions and gives a general impression of the disease severity or improvement of acne over time. The PGA was originally developed to assess the disease severity within clinical trials and is one of the standard parameters collected to assess the treatment success. In recent time, PGA is more commonly used in clinical practice as one of several parameters to guide treatment decisions for physicians and document the impact of the clinical treatment over time.


Validation of questionnaire

paper version: yes            digital version: no

How to use the ePGA for Acne


The ePGA should only be used by trained physicians. The ePGA score for acne is measured by the number and severity of skin impurities (incl. comedones, papules and pustules) and ranges from clear (0), almost clear (1), mild (2), moderate (3), to severe (4). Each severity grade is distinctly defined by a relevant morphologic description to ensure the comparability of ePGA scores between health care providers and over time.


The following versions of the ePGA for Acne are available

epgaforacne pdf

Illustrative PDF

(coming soon)

epgaforacne pdf or

Original PDF

(coming soon)



use icon epga acne


The ePGA is straightforward to use, thanks to the clear morphological description of the severity states.

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By storing values, the ePGA allows for easy monitoring of acne.

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Take care of the environment and save your patient data on the online platform or as PDF files for yourself and your physicians.

patient icon epga acne


The ePGA is recommended by international guideline associations for an accurate measurement of acne severity.

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With DermaValue, your ePGA is always just a few clicks away. The application is available for PCs, tablets, smartphones, and other devices.

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The ePGA is available in different languages. The use of the respective first language reduces language barriers and supports the understanding between physician and patient.



Pascoe VL, Enamandram M, Corey KC, et al. Using the Physician Global Assessment in a Clinical Setting to Measure and Track Patient Outcomes. JAMA Dermatol. 2015;151(4):375–381. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2014.3513”

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